Blas ar an mBeagán: Duinnín agus an Cat
Blas ar an mBeagán: Gearrscéalta á gcraoladh ag IMRAM / Short and Sweet: The IMRAM short story broadcasts
Ábhar mórtais d'IMRAM sraith craoltaí a fhógairt í agus ar léiriú a bheidh iontu ar chuid den ghearrfhicsean is fearr sa Ghaeilge. Léifidh Biddy Jenkinson scéalta bleachtaireachta a bhainfidh leis an lorgaire Pádraig Ó Duinnín, foclóirí agus cara le Sherlock Holmes. Cloisfear scéalta osréalacha ón leabhar Féach Gach Treo á léamh ag an údar Mícheál Ó hUanacháin. Cuirfear clabhsúr ar an tsraith le dhá scéal as An Leabhar Nimhe, le Panu Petteri Höglund, ina dtagann saol na miotas Cthulu de chuid H P Lovecraft agus béaloideas na hÉireann le chéile ar bhealach scanrúil.
IMRAM is proud to announce a series of broadcasts featuring the very best of modern short fiction in Irish. These will feature Gothic Transylvanian themed stories from the recently published Rúin na Sceacht gCaisleáin, read by author Gabhán Ó Fachtna. Biddy Jenkinson reads detective stories featuring the sleuth and friend of Sherlock Holmes, lexicographer Pádraig Ó Duinnín. Mícheál Ó hUanacháin reads two tales of the fantastic and the surreal from his latest book Féach Gach Treo. The series will conclude with two stories from An Leabhar Nimhe by Panu Petteri Höglund, in which the worlds of H P Lovecrafts’ Cthulu Mythos and Irish folklore merge to spine-chilling effect. Series produced by Tristan Rosenstock, and curated by Liam Carson.